Kris Steinnes

Divine Feminine Awakening - The Secret to Lasting Sexual Pleasure That All Women Possess with Guest Caroline Muir



Uncover the gift that ancient tantricas and every sexually satisfied woman knows. Does Sexual Intimacy Leave you Tingling with Satisfaction Or aching for more love and connection?Did you know that within your body lies a power and pleasure beyond what you ve been told, beyond what you can probably imagine, and well beyond the boundaries of ordinary sex? That s right. No matter what your current sexual energy is, you can achieve consistent, long-lasting pleasure when you reawaken your true feminine power. And this is much more than toe-curling orgasms! This is truly about your creative energy in every aspect of your life. When you learn to release more of this divine Shakti energy, you benefit on all levels. You ll find you have more joy, love, connection and energy for everything in your day.