Autism Empowerment Radio

Elissa Bosley Interview - MassMutual Oregon's SpecialCare Program



Join us today as we chat with Elissa Bosley, SpecialCare Program Manager from MassMutual Oregon. We'll be talking with Elissa about the fantastic work MassMutual has been doing regionally providing free support, workshops, sensory events and support services to the autism and cross-disability community in Oregon and Southwest Washington.We'll also be talking about MassMutual's SpecialCare Program, a program that is also offered at various MassMutual offices throughout the country. SpecialCare is a program from MassMutual that provides access to information – from what you need to know in order to provide the best care to your loved one, to how to manage the needs of yourself and other family members.  If you are caring for a person with a disability or other special needs – a spouse, a child, sibling, dependent parent, other relative or friend, the SpecialCare program is an innovative outreach initiative that provides access to information, specialists, and financial products and services that can help improv