Autism Empowerment Radio

EarthLink & Autism Empowerment - Linking You To Resources In Our Community



EarthLink is committed to offering our time, talent and resources to build strong, connected, thriving communities. We believe that the biggest impact is made when all of us come together in a variety of ways to make a difference, providing a HALO effect for our communities and our customers.Today Autism Empowerment Radio welcomes two Earthlinkers: Pam O'Connor, Senior Manager of Corporate Communications and Brian Tashima, Pricing Analyst and Autism Empowerment Board Member.  We will learn more about EarthLink's Corporate Giving HALO (Helps, Acts, Links and Outreach) and listen to examples of how EarthLink has recently been serving in communities throughout the United States.EarthLink was a Featured Event sponsor for Autism Empowerment's 3rd Annual Easter Egg Hunt for Acceptance of All Abilities on April 19th, 2014. This Acceptance Event which included an egg hunt, family entertainment and cross-disability resource fair served over 1,300 in the Southwest Washington and Portland metro area, including 40 cross-