Cloud Gossip

Adventures in open source with Tom Kerkhove



We’re going to learn about KEDA and CNCF Sandbox projects, what they are and how they work, and learn about some of Tom’s insights in the industry. He’s going to talk about how GitHub is helping the world of Open Source projects and how he uses the platform to engage with the users. We’re going to hear his opinions about the future of tech as well as discussing how we can use what we already have in a better way. Enjoy the episode and don’t miss the links and resources that Tom shared with us, you can find them at the bottom of the page. Guest Bio: Tom Kerkhove is the creator of​  , he works for Codit as an Azure Architect and he’s​ also a maintainer of KEDA and Arcus as well as a GitHub Star and a CNCF Ambassador. On top of this, he’s also a member of the AZUG crew and he has been a Microsoft Azure MVP & Azure Advisor since 2014. He’s very passionate about Open Source Projects and Tech in general and he’s very committed to constantly improving them going forward. You can find Tom on GitHub wh