Ultimate Authorities Radio- Donna Gunter

Shonda Taylor - Entrepreneurial Mindset



Today's show is on the topic of adopting an entrepreneurial mindset. Many times when new entrepreneurs start a business, they have no experience in being the company rainmaker, or the one that goes out and has to bring in new business. Up until this point, they have been an employee, which means in many cases they have simply waited to be told what to do in their jobs. To be successful, they need to adopt an entrepreneurial mindset. Without it they're setting themselves up to fail, because they'll stop the minute the going gets a little tough. Instead, they need to be willing to do what it takes to create a successful long-term sustainable business.In today's episode, you'll discover:--Exactly what it means to have an entrepreneurial mindset and why it's essential to your success--The four key principles that all 6,7, and 8-figure entrepreneurs have in common that help them to create massive success in their businesses.--The one thing that most entrepreneurs start out doing that will kill their business befor