Bs With Bob Schmidt

E1 David Slain - Sales its that Simple



Sales is that simple, it isn't that complex. You have a product or service and someone wants it. That's as simple as sales is. If you think about it, you walk into a grocery store and they sell things to you all the time. You walk out, but you don't know you've been sold, right? So sales is very simple. But what becomes complex is once you throw humans into it and our emotions, so our emotions lead us and tell us so many different things and there's perceived most of the time, like we're afraid someone's not going to like us because maybe we don't speak, write or say the right thing. Maybe we get embarrassed. Our mind isn't open, so now we do screw up even more, or say that something bad happens. The emotions of what happens on both buyer and seller are the ones that can make it complex.