Company Of One With Dale Callahan

140: Should I Start Two Businesses at the Same Time? [Podcast]



Going to start two businesses at the same time? Entrepreneurs usually abound in ideas they can offer to the market. Often you will see those with an entrepreneurial spirit starting multiple businesses back to back. When you talk to them - they even have ideas for other money-making ventures. But is being a multi-passionate entrepreneur a blessing or a curse? Opinions vary widely. So today we will take a look at all three opinions - yes, no, and it depends and find out which one is correct for you. Should I Start Two Businesses at the Same Time? (Podcast Outline) Common advice  No. You need to focus to make it work.  It depends - get clear on your goals and decide which business is the main business.  Yes - but not at the same time.  How a startup really looks - example of a lawn care company Mowing lawns is the focus so you start working with customers you have or know.  Taking payments and working with customer issues starts to creep into your time. The need to start finding new custom