Wild Soul Medicine Radio W/ Jody England

I've got nothing for you



Greetings, Sister,On the heels of our very potent and darkness-embracing portal of Dying last week, I’ve been deeply in it.So have you.I’ve witnessed your courageous shares of deep letting go, the angst-ridden inquiries of what/where/how to free yourself next, your wise awareness of the pieces and patterns that no longer serve.I am honored to stand with you in the Becoming.And…I thought all this dying would feel better somehow. I wanted to be past it, to cross a finish line with it. To come THIS week and talk about something happier, more, um… ALIVE.But the medicine continued to bring its wisdom. I can do nothing but pull up a chair and be its student.It is curious, this “in between” feeling. In my experience it is expressing as a sort of general malaise.An uncomfortable feeling of “not ok-ness” with an unclear origin or cause.In the midst of it, my impulse is to duck and cover.  I don’t feel like I have anything to offer anyone. I want to be alone. Yes, I see how this is "just-like-the-plants-and-the-turn-of