Wild Soul Medicine Radio W/ Jody England

Navigating the In Between



The cosmos is having its way with me this week. I don’t know that I’ve ever felt the astrological energies as potently as I have this month and I have no choice but to pay attention.Although “paying attention” is really an understatement... In reality I feel like I’m simply along for this thrill coaster of a ride.Whether you follow the stars or not, you’ve undoubtedly been experiencing the effects of the cosmic shifts that are occurring at this potent threshold.For me, the outer manifestation is a purgatory of projects that are finishing and new ones that are not yet begun. It is doors opening on promising possibilities and sticky minutia of old completions hanging on.In my system it feels like the revving of an engine just before it shifts gears or the intense jangle in the nervous system as you are waiting for new medicine to kick in.It is intense… and uncomfortable.I find myself pulled ever inward, cycling wildly between, “I’m ok, all is well,” and “Holy shit!! You/that/they/this is SO Annoying! What needs