Wild Soul Medicine Radio W/ Jody England

I can't stand you because...



This week has been one of spaciousness and revelation for me. After our Red Tent for Mothers last week, I dropped into Being With my Self, my husband, my land, and my work.It has been beautiful to entertain this space of vast openness and deep listening. It is a requirement for my sanity and growth.From the sacred space of my wild sanctuary, I’ve been loving, seeing, reflecting and expanding.So much is unfurling in my awareness.It doesn’t all start out as love and light, though. The best inquiries often begin with a problem or complaint.In fact, our deepest “problems” are our most potent portals for freedom.One such inquiry for my husband and me this week was around the things that annoy us about our children.Yep. We go there. It has to be done. All awarenesses are invited here.As we laid out our complaints and named the things we “can’t stand” -- an opening of epic proportions occurred.It was so profound and filled with grace, I continue to bask in the miracle of receiving it.I told our Tribe all about it on