Wild Soul Medicine Radio W/ Jody England

She Stole My Work



Truth. Integrity. Righteousness. Piety.Guiding tenants, imperative compasses, and potentially shadowy pitfalls for the walk of an Evolutionary.I woke up on Wednesday morning deeply incensed to discover a woman who has followed my work closely was now copying it very directly in the offering of a “brand new program” that she "just now got clear on."The vibration was clearly out of alignment with who she is. The words were the weavings from my own Essence being masqueraded as the Truth of another.It felt shitty. My ego wasn’t happy.My Soul doesn’t like it either. We can’t grow into our fullness while copying someone else’s.I reached out for advice and counsel from my Trusted Sisterhood, but no one was available until later.And so… I showed up in process to explore this Medicine with each of you on the show.What transpired was profound. At one point, my throat completely closed down in coughing spasms and I used it as a signal to pause and tune in. What came after was a potent message for All of Us.Truly, this i