Wild Soul Medicine Radio W/ Jody England

Burning Down your Life



I come to you this week still basking in the glow of a life on fire - in all the best ways. Money, love, happiness, business… it all seems to be in alignment for me at the moment.This extended sense of calm and peace has certainly been illusive during the radically fast and turbulent path of evolution I have been on for the last decade.And lately, with the intense transformational energies that have been presenting themselves cosmically and literally - it seems like, for once, I am sitting unscathed by the flames.Many times during my journey, I’ve entertained this inquiry around whether a commitment to personal evolution requires that you let go of EVERYTHING and constantly navigate life from a position of unrest and struggle.Do you have to burn down your whole life in order to walk the path of consciousness?I used to fear that was true, and it certainly seems to be the norm for so many on this path, but I’ve recently had some shifts in my perspective on this and I really think it’s the foundation for this sw