Vidya By Pia & Bart




Back together in Stockholm after a few months on zoom, we discuss the topic of feedback. Before that even, Pia explains how in her calendar 8 minutes equals one hour, but that aside. Back to feedback, we believe sometimes people think this is a boring topic in leadership development, “oh no not feedback!”, and we also believe that people are not really giving enough feedback in practice. And that it doesn’t have to be difficult, and it can actually be fun. We kick it off by discussing the barriers to giving feedback. Why is it not happening? Then we discuss some other things, here is a selection: Timing of feedback (the earlier the better). The best set and setting for giving feedback. Focus on strengths (getting even better at something) versus fixing weaknesses. Talk from yourself and not others (your feelings, your thoughts, your observations). Feedback is continuous, not an annual event. Be very specific, also about positive feedback eg ask “what was good about it?”. When discussing improvements, coach,