Higher Journeys Radio With Alexis Brooks

FREE’s Rey Hernandez – ET Contact and the Multiverse



Are we living in a multiverse? https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=SIWiZvu23Gk ET contact, paranormal encounters like out of body experience, near-death experiences and other incidents of “high strangeness.” Is there a common denominator with individuals who report their brushes with the non-human realm? And might we begin to look at all of these intersections of reality as existing within a multiverse? The Foundation for Research Into Extraterrestrial Encounters, also known as FREE is an organization whose primary mission is to understand the depths and dimensions of this still mysterious, but important phenomenon. Once again, I had occasion to speak with one of FREE’s co-founders Rey Hernandez. This time, we had a face-to-face discussion while on-location at the 5th Annual Experiencers Speak Conference in Portland Maine, of which Rey also delivered a fascinating presentation -  based on the findings of FREE. Listen in now as he highlights how FREE was born, with all of the synchronistic twists and turns that