Mom Inspired Show With Amber Sandberg

Sunday night prep to make your week successful: Jenny Stemmerman: 129



Have you ever felt that panic on a Sunday night wishing you had prepared better for the upcoming week? Today we have Jenny Stemmerman on the show and she shares with us some great ideas on setting up our week!   Jenny goes over her routines and what works best for her as well as explaining that it shouldn't all fall on the mom.  She highly encourages that weekend prep should be a team sport and everyone participates. One thing that stood out to me is that we should really approach this as a skill and with all skills we don't master them right away, it gets easier the more you do it.  Hear what she says about this topic and more on the podcast.   If you liked this episode I bet you will love the episode with Stephanie Sikora where we talk about how simplifying makes our lives easier. Simplify Your Life       Lean 7 week online weight loss program: Recently, I had the pleasure of doing a four-part series with Registered Dietitian Amanda Nighbert. On this first episode of the series you’ll  find out: What