Mom Inspired Show With Amber Sandberg

What do I do when I get to my goal weight? : Part 4: Amanda Nighbert :116



Have you ever wondered how you’ll keep the weight off once you get to your goal weight? Today we have Dietitian Amanda Nighbert back on the show for part four of our “Lean with Amanda Nighbert” series. Join us as we talk about maintenance tips that’ll help you successfully keep the weight off! In this episode you’ll find out: How to maintain your goal weight without being “perfect” How to splurge smartly What it means to adjust your macros from weight loss to weight management How to find a plan that’s sustainable for you …And more! Tired of dieting only to gain it all back? Find out how to keep that weight off for good! Click on the link below to get $20 off Amanda’s cutting-edge nutritional program!* Tell Me How *Discount is for first-time customers only. If you’ve done this program before, we haven’t forgotten about you! Click here to get $10 off. Discounts are now $10 off   Liked this podcast? Check out parts 1-3 of the “Lean with Amanda Nighbert”  series: How intermittent fasting