Mom Inspired Show With Amber Sandberg

Why certain exercises are better for weight loss! : Part 3: Amanda Nighbert :114



Are you exercising, but not losing the weight you worked so hard to lose?  Today we have Dietitian Amanda Nighbert back on the show for part three of our “Lean with Amanda Nighbert” series. In this episode you’ll find out: If you can out-exercise a bad diet Tips to keep you from sabotaging your diet If you’re doing the wrong kind of exercise! …And more! Learn to spend less time in the gym with workouts that work for you! Click the link below to get $10 off Amanda’s program!* ($20 offer expired) Find Out More *Discount is for first-time customers only. If you’ve done this program before, we haven’t forgotten about you! Click to get $10 off. returning offer expired. Enjoyed this episode? Don’t miss parts one and two of our “Lean with Amanda Nighbert” series: How intermittent fasting can help you lose weight: Amanda Nighbert :112 What is carb cycling and macro management and how can it help you lose weight: Part 2: Amanda Nighbert :113 What do I do when I get to my goal weight? : Part