Theatre Royal Stratford East

846 - Episode 2: Police Brutality



On Mon 25 May 2020, a police officer in Minneapolis killed George Floyd by kneeling on his neck for 8 minutes and 46 seconds. This brutal murder ignited a global surge of anger and pain. An ocean away, from the Windrush scandal to the Grenfell Tower tragedy, racist oppression is very much alive in the UK. Acclaimed playwright Roy Williams brought together 14 writers to respond artistically to George Floyd’s murder and the Black Lives Matter Movement. From this came 846 – a collection of short pieces. Each is a standalone exploration of racial inequality and oppression, but together they form a powerful tapestry of voices. 846 is directed by Ola Ince and features a soundscape by Donato Wharton. Please note that 846 contains very strong language and discusses themes some may find sensitive or upsetting. 846 has been supported by the Royal Docks Team. In this episode: I WITNESSED A MURDER by Eddie Botsio, performed by Tamara Lawrence IC3 by Nathaniel Martello-White, performed by Kirsty Bushell FONG LEE by