Ham Radio Now

A little help for Jeff and Bobbie



HamRadioNow viewers will probably remember Jeff Wittich AC4ZO. Jeff appeared on more than 40 episodes, and gave me invaluable help in producing many of the hamfest podcasts from Dayton, Orlando and Huntsville* Jeff and his wife Bobbie KD4ZVW need help. Last year (Fall of 2020) Jeff was diagnosed with brain cancer - Grade 4 Glioblastoma - incurable, with an average prognosis of about 2 years. He's undergone surgery and radiation therapy to remove as much of the cancer as possible, but that's what gives him those ~2 years. There's no way to remove all of it, and it will grow back. Jeff and Bobbie have had to retire early. The cancer and surgery have left Jeff both mentally and physically unable to continue the field engineering he'd done all his life. Bobbie retired to spend full time taking care of Jeff in the time he has left. They've launched a GoFundMe campaign: https://www.gofundme.com/f/lets-pay-i...​ to help with the mounting expenses. The goal is $25,000, which seems modest to me. They do have good ins