Chris Collins Show

Episode 811: Just Talking with Comedian Daniel Eachus and Strike a Chord with Christian Punk Band, Doulos Bassist Rebel Mel



It’s time to roll the dice—we’re gambling for the return of laughs?! Comedian Daniel Eachus joins JUST TALKING.  Daniel’s new book A day at the Zoo 2062 is a collection of adult short stories with illustrations—quarantine does strange things to a comedian?! In the near future we’ll be on Elon Musk’s space ship captained by Joe Rogan. “Online dating is getting weird, people think I’m a Russian bot—you gotta be smart enough to stalk me the right way.” Can a man bot explain mansplaining by feministic mansplaining? Rebel Mel from Doulos joins STRIKE A CHORD for a little death brawl.  But first create a car club—second a Christian Punk Rock Band—third wear biker studded crocs? Rebel Mel channels her Inner Post Malone, Chris has nightmares of being held down for a face tattoo and Marissa’s scorpion TAT is still stinging men!