Will Work 4 Patients With Frank Sardella

e59 How Decrease Cost Per Patient and Increase Leads DRASTICALLY!



I found Chiropractors, by survey, willing to spend up to $100 to get a new patient. But then I did the math on what they were spending. You won't believe what I found. It's WAY beyond that figure. How much? Listen to my guest, Keanan Kintzel, marketer and record claimer of LOWEST COST PER PATIENT, something which he guarantees when he works with his clients. Now he's bringing the secret to you. How does he do it? How do you achieve a lower cost per patient? How do you maximize exposure to more new patient prospects in the process of lowering that cost? Well, that's what Keanan "eats for breakfast" every day. So, tune in now and start reducing your costs while increasing your patient base!