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Little Known Tax Strategies That Could Save You A Fortune with Steve Moskowitz



Tax strategy can be a very dry discussion for most entrepreneurs. After all, we love creating new dollars, marketing and growth strategies which make it rain.But if you have a leaky bucket, all the rain will drain to the ground and you'll be left with a lot less than you made.But what if there were a way to reduce taxes or even eliminate them altogether the way many Fortune 500 companies do it?There is a way, in fact there are dozens of ways and strategies that are perfectly legal yet often ignored.That's why I invited Steve Moskowitz on the show today to discuss little-known strategies to help avoid (not evade) taxes.This is less of an interview and more of a conversation where you'll hear me ask specific situational examples that will show what's possible as well as how Steve thinks.If you're on the fence about this episode, wondering if the topic will be too dry to listen to, stop and give it a chance.Because if you're in business now you could be missing a lot of money you could be owed now as well as pay