Spotlight: The Allison H. Larsen Show

Transitioning and Transforming: Deprogramming from Institutionali



Transitioning and Transforming: Deprogramming from Institutionalized Religion and Moving Forward in Faith with LOVE! Join special guest experts: Rodney Allgood is a professional motivational speaker and former Jehovah Witness. He is currently speaking all over the nation supporting and helping people deprogram after they transition out of their religion. He has helped tens of thousands of individuals find hope and healing in their lives and families. Wendi Wilcock Jensen is a former member of the LDS religion who facilitates online Facebook groups whose focus is on Healing from, Harmonizing with, and Moving beyond institutionalized religion. Her mission is not only to help in the process of waking up, but also the delicate journey of growing up, cleaning up, and showing up as the greatest version of your authentic self.