Empowered Empaths

Should We Question The Universe? You Bet!



If you’re like me, you were raised to accept what shows up in your life as “the will of God” and never, ever question or complain about what does show up. I always thought I was a peon, flawed, a sinner who had no business speaking to God other than to say I’m sorry for my many faults. Little did I know how wrong I was! I began, slowly but surely, to feel as though I was a being that is and always was a beloved individuated aspect of that Creator and I have been on a journey of awakening since. What I know now is that we live in a participatory universe and we play the central role in conscious creation. What I also know is that we haven’t come to the full realization of our powerful gifts and abilities and need a little feedback and reinforcement as we go along and that’s why I have learned to ask the universe some questions. The first is “what if”. What if all that I believe about myself is false? What if I am not hopeless, lazy, ugly, fat, stupid, unworthy? You’re not making statements that your subconscio