Science Drives, Wellness Steers

Autism and Self Regulation - Part 1



Talking about self-regulation honestly LIGHTS ME UP! :P This episode is JAM PACKED with theory and practical tips for building self-regulation skills in a neurodivergent population. Grab a notebook because I am spilling ALL the tea. Prepare for an epic brain dump of considerations, pit-falls, myths and facts, and strategies I've used over the last decade in supporting autistic children and the parents, teachers, and therapists who support them. At the 55 minute mark I come up for air and realize...K, I've been monologue-ing for almost an hour, so I stop there. Take a beat, let the brain dump sink in and check back soon for part 2 because I have another hour of content coming your way.  And OBVIOUSLY, if you're feeling this episode or have an AHA moment--share it with me @Magminds