Science Drives, Wellness Steers

Let's Get Clinical: Skill development, troubleshooting and values based programming



How do you measure progress in your kids, in your family, or in yourself? Much of what we do in science (the science of teaching, parenting and even the science of mental health) relies on data to guide decision making. We think about things like, test scores, rating scales, and how skills are developed and ultimately mastered (and hopefully maintained); we think about things like how long it "should" take to learn a new habit, at what point we should change the plan, and how to know if a plan has gone off track at any point. In this episode, I'm getting clinical; but don't worry, if you're parent along for the ride this will still be right up your Alley :P  I'll let you in on some of the clinical conversations I've been having with my team about processes and frameworks for goal setting, goal assessment and big picture planning for both the kids and families I support. This episode will be helpful for understand how we make some of our clinical decisions, and how you can call on a similar framework for