Wellness Weight And Wisdom With Lisa M Pepe

Awaken and Be Well



Awaken and Be Well Here are just a few takeaways from my awaken be well video...  After leading a mostly normal life, we awakened to a year called 2020... Wellness coaches began to take on many of the difficult topics of 2020 I even awakened to a few things and spoke about them in my videos. We all awaken at different times and may not want to believe what we see. Always be sure to do your own research and look at all sides of the story. Open your mind and expand your knowledge so you can grow. Look at your emotions and the way you feel to work through fear and frustration. Consider others opinions and learn to have inquisitive conversations. Stay calm and try to be understanding with others to prevent anger and lashing out. There's a little bit of truth in everything so be open to beliefs beyond your own. Never stand so firm in your convictions that you cut off your own flow. Awaken at your own pace and never assume yours is the only truth! For the actual steps and more details, please watch or just listen