Caustic Soda

Two Tickets to Parasites



Caustic Soda Episode 2: "Two Tickets to Parasite" AKA "Things That Make You Go EUGHHHH" - Joe, Kevin and Toren talk about liver flukes, ichneumon wasps, guinea worms, the life cycle of the facehugger and the chestburster, and of course Star Trek 2's ceti eel. Featuring "Burrow Your Way to my Heart" by The Darkest of the Hillside Thickets." Episode 1 Update: Here's the painting of "Watson and the shark" Here are the images from Episode 2: Parasites Here's our pinup, the Bedbug from and here are the rest of the images, currently in no particular order: And this episode's videos: Guinea worm (can't embed, sorry!) Links! Human Parasites on Wikipedia. "Burrow Your Way To My Heart" courtesy of The Darkest of the Hillside Thickets. Full disclosure: It's Toren's band! Buy some shirts! Carl Zimmer's "The Loom" Blog - Update: He talks about looking for fossil evidence of the Cordyceps parasite!