Consulting Growth

The Emotional Side of Being Acquired with Alex McClafferty



Being acquired may seem like you've struck gold—literally, and figuratively—in your business. What most people don't focus on, though, are the downsides to being acquired. You might be thinking, "there's no way being acquired can have cons," when in actuality the results may surprise you.My guest today is Alex McClafferty of Alex is sharing his experience of his company, WP Curve, being acquired by GoDaddy, and the emotional results of the process. He shares a deeply personal and honest account of what happened, and what Alex recommends to anyone else who wants to get acquired.In this episode, we'll be sharing: The emotional gap of going through a sale How Alex approaches his current business Takeaway lessons In conventional terms, being acquired causes a case for champagne-popping and celebration, but in Alex's case, his company's acquisition didn’t solve everything for him. A sense of emptiness came with the sale. His advice? Close the emotional gap when going through the acquisition process.