New Spiritual York

New Year, New Creations



In this episode Michelle and Yuraimi discuss the transition from 2018 to 2019, and the three key actions they take to move into 2019 as higher versions of themselves.What’s the 2019 Intention - Leaving Labels Behind!NSY Episode TakeawaysIt’s more than ok to be on your own timeline.Reflect on your values, reflect on your goals, - if you have not closed out 2018 there’s always time to do so. You are no longer your past self. Others are no longer their pasts selves.The moment you start boxing people into your judgements, you're creating a box for them and yourself. Act yourself into thinking and being different.Muscle memory is gained through action. Do what you preach. What actions or ideas will you place in the cleared space you have created in your life? Join Yuraimi and Michelle as they host Women's Empowerment Circle, monthly @ The Healers Way, a holistic healing practice in Midtown Manhattan. RSVP Here.In NYC this Spring? Our next circle is April 12th 2020  RSVPWomen circles are an intimate gathe