Upon A Pagan Path

003 - A Conversation with Troy Young



In this episode, I have a lengthy conversation with Troy Young, one of the co-Chairs for DFW Pagan Pride Day. We discuss Pagan Pride Day 2013, as well as tackle many issues related to personal Spirituality. I do believe we talked about nearly every topic under the sun, except how to split the atom - and I believe if we had let the conversation continue, we might have done just that too! DFW Pagan Pride Day's web site is located at:  http://dfwpaganpride.org/ Our Pantheons Way's web site is located at: http://ourpantheons.org/ The musical feature is 'Alive!" by Omnia. Their music can be found at http://www.worldofomnia.com/. Please remember to support your independent Pagan musicians and BUY their music!! Contact Information Email: elfster@gmail.com Google Voice-mail: (972) 514-7315 Skype: tommyelf22 Twitter: @t_elfster Shownotes: http://onapaganpath.wordpress.com/