Latter Gay Stories

142: Kent Carollo | Fulfilling The Measure of My Creation



“I never missed general conference, I held leadership positions, I served a mission, I studied at a church school, I got married—you reach a point where you do all the things you believe are best and true, but when there are no more boxes left to check, and you still feel a certain way, you have to start to ask yourself some really significant and often difficult questions.”  Kent Carollo sits down with Latter Gay Stories to share his journey from the closet, to coming out and navigating a world that to him, seemed to be incredibly foreign and inaccessible. His story is a message of hope and love. It is a story of kindness and doing what is right—despite the many voices that encouraged him to “stay true to gospel truths”. #LatterGayStories #ComingOut #MixedOrientationMarriages