Paradigm Shift With Christina Martini

107 Telling Your Story and Protecting Your Brand - An Interview with Pat Milhizer, Part 2 of a Two-Part Interview



In this episode, Christina Martini and Pat Milhizer discuss: Hardball questions and crisis communication.  Navigating tricky waters with customers and the media.  Developing relationships with reporters and other news outlets.  Repurposing social media for other opportunities.    Key Takeaways: You should take a holistic approach to everything, especially a crisis, to not just cope with the crisis, but also to find clarity and answers. Having a personal approach, where you’re not being too combative, can often work best when working with reporters.  You make your own luck - pick the right spot and be ready for any opportunity to get in front of the public.  Never say (or write) something to a reporter that you wouldn’t want to see on the front page of the newspaper.    "If you want good press, you’ve got to make time for your PR reps." —  Pat Milhizer   Connect with Pat Milhizer: Twitter: (