Sensuality Empowerment Podcast

Dr Amanda Waaldyk - Women’s Health: Fertility Goddess & Conscious Parenting



A few weeks I hooked up with my dear friend, Amanda. A doctor of Traditional Chinese Medicine (TCM), Amanda specialties in women’s health, helping women to come back to hormonal balance & harmony, whether it’s having a regular menstrual cycle, fertility, pre & post natal support or menopause. We get raw and open as to why women are suffering & have created disharmony in their body. Amanda teaches women how to nourish their body, mind & spirit through her work, whether it’s through acupuncture, yoga or meditation - giving them the tools, taking a holistic approach to healing. She explains why acupuncture is so powerful & successful for women’s health- allowing you to drop into a deep state of healing.Amanda gets personal about her journey to walking this path. How her drug addiction helped her step into this field with a lot compassion & awareness. Her drug of choice is now plant medicine, giving her the opportunity to go into different realms of consciousness so she lives her life with