Art Of Consulting Podcast

134 | Looking Back - Planning Forward



In this episode, Cat and Andy wrap up the year 2020 with inspiring thoughts as well as share tips you can easily do to effectively plan forward for what you want to achieve in the future as we welcome 2021. They talk about focus, health, and acts of kindness to start this next exciting season. So, come on, and let’s join Cat Lam and Andy Fry let’s wrap up 2020 and step into 2021 with hope, courage, and a good plan! Quotes: “We Still Have To Take The Reins, And Figure Out What We're Going To Be Like How We Want To Live Our Lives In The Next Few Moments In Time.” “We Have To Really Focus On The Things That We Can Control And Give Up On The Things That We Can't Control.” “Even Something As Small As Paying Attention To The Music That You Listen To, Or What You Bring Into Your Brain, Or What You Tell Yourself Is Going To Make A Huge Difference To Your Life.‘’ Show Notes: (00:00) Podcast Intro (00:27) The Wrap Up Of 2020 (00:51) Not Coming Out Of 2020 The Same (02:55) Figuring Out What We’re Going To Be (03:47) Foc