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E12- Getting Over a Break-Up, Divorce, Love Lost



Break-ups are HARD and the heartache can last years. This episode explores the relationship between self-identity and break-ups and why the pain is often because of the stories we tell ourselves about why things ended. Whether you left a 20 year marriage or you got ghosted after a few Tinder dates, this episode is for you. Kate explores four steps to narrative healing: 1- What stories are you telling yourself about the relationship or the break-up? 2- What stories are you telling yourself about YOURSELF? What power does this story have over you? 3- Challenge negative biases and beliefs around these stories. 4- Recall and remember the positive things you have learned, what you might take forward, and the strengths you showed during and after the end of a relationship. This is one example of how narrative work can help in empowerment, self discovery, and personal transformation. www.restoryatherapy.com Insta: @restorya Facebook: Kate Marlena- Restorya Restorya is a member of Bear Radio, the premier English-spea