Work Life Play With Aaron Mchugh

Don't Quit Your Job. Fire Your Boss #12



In this podcast I provide some of the back story to writing my recently released ebook, Don't Quit Your Job. Fire Your Boss. I started writing it over the course of last year.  I underestimated the amount of time and energy it would take. I understand now why writers say that once they are finished with a project they are long since "over it". I almost quit numerous times. I felt like maybe it was just important that I write it down for myself, but did not need to go through the exercise and investment to make it a market-ready released book. In some ways the love of the story lessened as I neared the end. If I had to guess, I would say I invested 150 hours into the writing, editing, and revising process. My creative team easily put in another 100+ hours as well. I am really proud of the yield, the end result. Read what Seth Godin and Jeff Goins wrote about my ebook.   In today's Podcast: Hear additional storyline to a couple of key sections of the ebook. What it took for me to break th