The Muslim Life Hackers Podcast: Personal Growth | Leadership | Legacy Building | Life Hacks | Islam

#2-09: Happiness, High Performance & Wealth w/ Saiyyidah Zaidi



Mifrah speaks with positive psychologist, coach & entrepreneur: Saiyyidah Zaidi on happiness, high performance & wealth.  "You had an aim to become a chief executive but priorities changed and you were true to that which is a very brave step to take especially since sometimes when we are set on a goal, its as though we get to married to it or something - there's no flexibility if things change in life" [3:40 - Mifrah] "... Honestly if you were to ask me, I would say that I live the life of a millionaire right now but does it mean I am millionaire? I choose when to get up, how to spend my time. If we want to take off 3 months and go travelling then we can do it because of some of the things we set up and it doesn't need to extravagant." [10:48 - Saiyyidah] "If you surround yourself with amazing people, your going to life yourself and become even more amazing. When I look at the situation of UK, many people are generationally unemployed or generationally uneducated because that's who they surrounde