Body Kindness

#161 - 2020 Burnout: Saving Our Mental Health for the Greater Good



It’s been a year of testing so much for all of us. Bernie and I catch up on how we’re making it through parenting and trying to stay distant (and connected) during COVID, which is relentless. We also discuss the election stress, our self care plans, and why we need to “complete our stress cycles” — something we learned by reading the book Burnout by Emily and Amelia Nagoski. Get a replay of some key advice from our podcast chat on Body Shame Burnout with the authors originally aired in May 2019, including how the Patriarchy keep “human giver syndrome” and the “bikini industrial complex” alive and well — and oppressing you, making you stressed, sick, and spiraling toward Burnout. === About Emily & Amelia Emily Nagoski, Ph.D., is a sex educator and author of Come As You Are: The surprising new science that will transform your sex life. Her job is to travel all over the world, training therapists, medical professionals, college students, and the general public about the science of women’s sexual wellbeing.