Storystash Books

Chapter 5: The Enchanted April by Elizabeth Von Arnim



Last week we left Mrs. Wilkins and Mrs. Arbuthnot agonizing over the upcoming trip. It's that tension between putting others first (as is so much easier to do) and defiantly taking some time for yourself that we could almost reach out and touch. Finally, it was settled. They were off! This week, we encounter our heroines through to the commencement of their trip. I know we all think that once the flight, the train or the car ride is finished that the trip is over, but I always forget about that part of the trip that actually gets me from the airport or station to the doorstep.  I took a trip this last weekend and it was the best kind of trip: boring and predictable - that is until the Uber driver couldn't find the house! Thankfully it was easily remedied by a quick phone call and I found my destination. Traveling in the past has often brought more difficult challenges. Going back and forth between home, college and abroad I got myself into some nasty pickles. This included sprinting through airports, begging