Storystash Books

Chapter 3: The Enchanted April by Elizabeth Von Arnim



This week two important things happen in our next chapter. First of all, we find that a way is made where none seemed possible. Once a dream is first conceived, doesn't it seem like the vision of it is followed by the possibilities- as close as you can touch - followed by disappointments, followed by decisions to either give up on it or figure out a way through? Assuming you do take steps to move forward, inevitably it will again be followed by more ups and downs but each one takes you one step closer to the final destination of fulfilling that dream. That is what the dream of San Salvatore, the Italian medieval castle, is like for Mrs. Arbuthnot and Mrs. Wilkins.   The second important thing is that we are introduced to the indomitable Mrs. Fisher. The sheer force of her will is impressive, but if you happen to be the one interacting with her it can be less impressive and a bit more challenging. The strict structure and rules she holds dear and has purposefully chosen to live by have kept everything in preci