Storystash Books

Chapter 2: The Enchanted April by Elizabeth Von Arnim



Hello My Friends! I was reminded this week that I forgot to mention that this book was written in the early 1900s, it was first published in 1922, and you will notice (of course) the traditional gender roles assumed. Outside of this though, there are many similarities to people of today - one of the reasons I love these older books so much: people are people wherever they are and whomever they are with.    Today's chapter is a perfect example of this; we get insight into the tumultuous inner life of the outwardly calm, cool and collected Mrs. Arbuthnot. This world existed about a century ago and yet, people are people and she is not so different from you and I: making justifications, explaining and dealing with the consequences of the decisions that she and others have made. How many times in a day to each of us do this???   When we last left our ladies, Mrs. Wilkins and Mrs. Arbuthnot, Mrs. Wilkins had just accused both of them of being miserable. While Mrs. Wilkins is perfectly comfortable to admit this, Mr