Living Villa Cappelli

026: Hot Sauces & Italian Healthcare



Love spicy food? Want to know what the health care system in Italy is like?   In this, the first of a two part interview, we discuss both topics with Joe and Andrea Lathe-Vitale. These two are making the big move to Italy as well as making their own line of hot sauces. Finally, near the end of the podcast, we get into how the healthcare is here in Italy compared to the U.S. Click here for 5 fun & delicious places to add spice. Topics we cover: How Andrea and Joe are planning on moving to Italy Our common love for hot sauces How they name their products after their cats You'll find their products at Fancy Cat Sauce Co. Joe's favorite pepper Finding the right mix of flavor and heat when it comes to hot sauces Joe and Andrea's visit to the mill The ibuprofen properties of extra virgin olive oil Where I first learned about it in Extra Virginity Why Steven doesn't fear fat (and how he lost 30 lbs. — Be sure to check out Vinnie Tortorich and Anna Vocino's podcast for more info and Vinnie's best-selling book)