Respect The Grind With Stefan Aarnio

Self Made: Confession 26



There are two types of deals in real estate: sexy deals and profitable deals. Everyone wants to do sexy deals but they really don’t make much money. These deals do make money when executed by professionals, but even then, it can be difficult for them.  Going too big too early can ruin your career. In this episode, you’ll learn about a valuable analogy of singles versus home runs. With good management and smart math, a small budget team can win the world series! Go for profitable, not sexy, it rarely pays to be sexy. “Investing is like baseball and everyone wants to hit a home run because home runs are sexy. But in reality, a home run is statistically the most difficult feat to accomplish in all of sports.” Learn how Stefan Aarnio went from selling luxury hotel rooms over the telephone in the middle of the night, with a major in English and a minor in music, to know every rule of the game, and winning it. Enter: What does it take to become a self-made millionaire? What are the steps y