Respect The Grind With Stefan Aarnio

Hard Times Create Strong Men: Chapter 23



How to ensure the fall of an empire? How can a first world nation transition into a third world one without it even realizing it? America is currently suffering a harmful transformation, the shocking part is: it has been transforming for decades, but we’re realizing it just now. By erasing God from the map and people’s hearts, Americans have nothing to believe in but their government and money. If a man stands for nothing, he’ll fall for anything. Money is an illusion, every existing currency is fake. An average Joe can’t even afford a decent home anywhere in the USA. Long gone are the times when a single man could buy a house, a car, support his wife and kids and still make it to dinner. Now, a man, his wife and their credit cards are necessary to just survive. Talk about a broken economical system. When the average man is so poor that he can no longer buy bread, a revolution happens.