Respect The Grind With Stefan Aarnio

Self Made: Confession 15



Either you like it or not, people will always judge you on your appearance. Aarnio was rejected by a particular girl who was way out of his league every single time he asked her out until he made radical changes to his image. The right hair, suit, and shoes will take you places, as shallow as it may sound.  People buy your image even before they buy you. Your outfit is as important as your body language and tone when you’re dealing with clients, investors, and even women. Next time you feel someone’s implying you should fix that hair, do yourself a favor, get the hint and get a makeover. “My heart stopped, I leaned back in my chair and thought I was going to fall forever into nothing. Howard had politely tried to tell me for weeks that I had a bad self-image, but was too polite to tell me straight. I was the punch line of my own cruel joke. It was time for a change.” Learn how Stefan Aarnio went from selling luxury hotel rooms over the telephone in the middle of the night, with a major in English and a minor