Respect The Grind With Stefan Aarnio

Money People Deal: Chapter 11



When people ask Stefan Aarnio, “How do I get into real estate investing?” He usually says “work for free”. That’s right, Stefan has built his career in real estate by using more than this first method (find out the rest of them inside this chapter). In this chapter of Money, People, Deal, you will find out three methods to get ahead in this world: work for free, pay for training or try to succeed alone and make your own mistakes. Find out how humans have learned skills from a master-and-apprentice type of relationships throughout history and what to do when considering taking on deal partners, contractors, assistants, designers, or anyone onto your team. “Working for free is the litmus test for finding a winner and weeding out the losers. A winner will persist; a loser will give up after a few hours”.