Go Hunt Life

E047 Skillshare Teaching Expert Details How To Launch a Side Hustle Business - Rich Armstrong



Rich Armstrong has built a side hustle business around his passion for web development and his expertise in teaching online classes to others using the massively popular online platform, Skillshare. Rich and his wife were living in South Africa and they had everything going for them. They had lived in the same town their entire lives, had a nice house and lived close to family but they yearned for a ripcord out of the normal to pursue a bolder life with adventures traveling and living abroad. They said goodbye to their hometown, their house that was 5 minutes from the beach and their comfort zones to seek a different life filled with travel and living abroad but too accomplish their dream, they had to first pay for it. In this episode we discuss... The support from his family and friends to sell all of their possessions and live and work abroad. Why they chose Amsterdam to build their location independent lives and their side hustle business on Skillshare. What is the first step is creating a course around we