Go Hunt Life

E046 Professional Adventurer Travels the World on $1,000/month - Derek Loudermilk



Derek Loudermilk is a Professional Adventurer, World Record Holder and has the badge of honor for being fired from nearly every 9 to 5 job he's had. The realization that he was a bad employee motivated him to pursue a digital nomad life that required minimalist living while traveling the world and figuring out a way to make money around his areas of expertise. Derek has a very diverse set of skills. He earned a Masters Degree in Microbiology and while completing his degree he discovered a virus in the boiling acid hot springs of Yellowstone National Park that may represent one of the most ancient forms of life. In basic terms, he discovered a new species. "Be comfortable with the uncomfortable." He's also raced bicycles professionally while living in Spain and he's a constant world traveler. His newest area of expertise is also being a new Dad with a 5 month old but this addition to the family isn't slowing down his pursuit of traveling and adventure. Derek has figured out how to build his profession and inco