Go Hunt Life

E044 Brain Injury Transforms Prominent Attorney into Impassioned Artist - Patrick Fagerberg



Patrick Fagerberg and he was making national headlines as a hired gun, hotshot defense attorney and he had his personal and professional life going full throttle but one evening in 2011 it all came to an abrupt stop due to a fluke accident and a life altering brain injury. A night in March, 2011 he was attending a concert in Austin Texas and was standing a few feet in front of the stage when a 400 pound camera boom came crashing into the crowd and it hit him right on the top of the head. His law career was ended and who he was as a person up to that moment was gone. As he describes it, that Patrick died. "It felt like the entire building fell on me." He suffered an extensive brain injury but in the process developed what doctors call savant syndrome where people acquire savant like skills in art, music and/or mathematics. Patrick went through extensive rehab to reclaim his life and in the process, developed the ability and passion to paint and paint he did. He voraciously learned a lifetime of art education a